১২ই শ্রাবণ, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ

Researchers from Kalyani University shine in the 108th Indian Science Congress

Nutan Bhor news :Two Researchers from Kalyani University were awarded with prestigious awards in the Section of Medical Sciences (including Physiology) at the 108th Indian Science Congress held at Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur, Maharashtra during 3-7th January, 2023.
Mr Sourapriya Mukherjee, a senior research scholar of Molecular Neurotoxicology Laboratory, Dept of Physiology under the supervision of Professor Goutam Paul had been awarded with ISCA Young Scientist Award in the section of Medical Sciences (including Physiology) for his outstanding research work. He had deliberated the Effects of Rhodamine B, a food color often used to color food articles such as cotton candy, sweets and confectioneries on the contractile functions of the small intestine. In his study, he has stated chronic consumption of Rhodamine B through Rhodamine B tainted food items impairs the contractile functions leading to onset of various chronic gastrointestinal disorders. Since the bright pink color is immensely attracts the children, so he attempts to restrict the use of such color for societal benefits.

Further, Ms Debarati Roy, a senior research scholar of Molecular Neurotoxicology Laboratory, Dept of Physiology under the supervision of Professor Goutam Paul, had been awarded with ISCA Best Poster Award in the section of Medical Sciences (including Physiology).


In her work she has described the mechanism of toxic effects of the chemical compound Bisphenol S (BPS) on mammalian small intestine. BPS is used instead of Bisphenol A (BPA) to manufacture polycarbonate based plastics associated with packaging and storage of foods, beverages and drinking water. Leaching of BPS occurs from the plastic containers. Consumption of BPS contaminated foodstuffs is a source of chronic BPS exposure to humans. Results of her research work might be useful to warn about the toxic effects of the compound.

They have received the award from the Nobel Laureate Prof Ada Yonath and Prod Vijay Laxmi Saxena, General President, Indian Science Congress Association
